In the world of cookbooks, there's fancy and practical; Cooking With Stored Foods, today's book, is a little of both. If you blend two very different, yet very knowledgeable, authors with a "scoopful" of advice on preservation and storage of almost every type of food, you have the ingredients for an invaluable reference to add to your cooking library.
First, the spicy and exotic cooking ingredient; author, Carlene Richardson Tejada, who has taught English Literature in El Salvador and has traveled extensively. Her love for international cooking shows through the spicy, unique recipes that she adds to this book. Among some of her recipes are: West African Beef Stew; Sweet Potato Custard; Beef Sate (Indonesian BBQ); and Turkey Pilaf.
Our second, yet equally important, ingredient in this cookbook mix is author, Carroll Porter Latham. Ms. Latham's advice and expertise are like a staple food in your pantry, it's a necessary part of the book; an intricate base on which the recipes are centered. Ms. Latham worked for years as a Home Economist for the Cooperative Extension Services in Wyoming, Utah and Arizona. Her knowledge of food storage and preservation has roots in her Mormon background, as well as, her background in home economics.
These two women have collaborated and "mixed" their talents to produce a cookbook that satisfies a need for some out-of-the-ordinary recipes, along with information that goes above and beyond in food storage. I was amazed to learn the "water glass method" of preserving raw eggs, as well as, the freezing method for fresh citrus fruits. There is one whole section on wheat, and many vegan recipes are provided. This would be a good book to add to your reference books in the kitchen. The publisher was Fisher Publishing in 1981 and its ISBN is 0-89586-120-8. Good luck!
Our sample recipe uses instant potatoes that you have on-hand in your pantry:
Page 51 Instant Potato Boats
1 C water
1/2 tsp salt
1 TBSP butter or margarine
1/4 C evaporated milk
1 TBSP dried minced onion
1/8 tsp ground allspice
1/2 (5 oz.) pkg. instant potato flakes (1 1/4 C)
1/2 C shredded cheddar cheese (2 oz.)
Cut four 8"x6" pieces heavy-duty foil. On each piece of foil, fold down 1 inch on all sides. Fold up about 1" at a 90 degree angle on 2 long sides. Fold 2 ends together. Corners will come together to form points. Set aside. Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Pour water into a warm medium bowl. Stir in salt, butter or margarine, evaporated milk, onion and allspice. Add potato flakes, stirring only to moisten. Let stand 5 minutes. Preheat oven to 400F (250C). Stir potato mixture lightly with a fork. Spoon potato mixture into foil boats. Sprinkle tops with cheese and paprika. Place on a baking sheet. Bake 3 to 5 minutes until cheese melts. Serve immediately. Makes 4 servings.
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