As I was looking through all of my clippings, I realized how many involve tips on saving time and money. These bits of homemaking wisdom may be on frayed index cards and pieces of yellowed newspaper, but they've stood the test of time and most housekeeping problems don't change much over time (dogs from the 1800's brought fleas into the house just as dogs can bring fleas into the house today!) I hope that you find these tips to be useful; please comment if you have some to share.
Don't toss out potato peelings. Let them dry, then burn them in your fireplace. This keeps the flue and chimney clean.
-Mrs. P.B. Brothers
Richmond, Virginia
When storing evaporated canned milk, shake the cans vigorously once a month, turning them upside-down before returning them to the shelf. By doing this, you will prevent the contents from becoming lumpy.
-Joy E. Lamb
Lockport, Ill.
Put a layer of marshmallows in the bottom of a pumpkin pie, then add the filling. You will have a nice topping as the marshmallow rises to the top during baking.
3 TBSP of bleach in bathwater kills chiggers.
To kill fleas in carpet, mix 1 TBSP salt into 1 quart of warm water and spray on the carpet. Repeat in 3 to 5 days.
-Hazel Bowen
Address unknown
NOTE: Just saw this at the end of Oprah's show today!
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