Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Old Recipe File: Madame Rossi's Minestrone

This is a curious little recipe card from the old file box; it was typed on an index card and as you read it, you may agree with me that English may not have been the writer's first language. That just makes it even more interesting to me (maybe "Madame Rossi" was a French or Italian mother-in-law who passed down her recipe for soup). Sounds good to me... except for the addition of turnips! I'm not a turnip fan; they keep company on the list of "Things That I Don't Like To Have Touch My Tongue", right after okra, liver and ramps! I'm sure that I could down these food items if I had to, but not while there are any other choices.
Enough of my whining-have a wonderful Wednesday :0)

Madame Rossi's Minestrone

Cut up in pieces all sorts of fresh vegetables, including turnips, carrots and plenty of cabbage. To every 4 cups of navy beans, which have been soaked overnight, cook together in water to cover (with a little salt) for about 2 hours only, simmering gently and adding a little more water, if needed. Then make the following sauce:
Brown 1 sliced onion in butter, to which you have added a little olive oil and chopped salt pork. Cut small and add 1 large tomato, some celery, parsley and a clove of garlic. Cook together for about 20 minutes. Put soup and sauce together; add a good fistful of broken spaghetti and cook for another half hour. This is a meal.

I will be at these swaps today and tomorrow:
-The thriftyhome

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you I am sure that I could eat most foods if there were other alternatives but while there are still recipes like the one you shared I will strive for those
